1. Integrated Development through Empowerment and Action (IDEA) in collaboration with CARITAS INDIA
Implementation of Activities as per the Goals and Objectives of the Project:
IDEA as a process towards holistic development approach. Seva Kendra Arunachal (East) has brought together major development players of the region. It provided a forum for sharing resources and personnel for integrated approach to development. For this purpose we have met with the various commissions to move ahead with Human Rights as the foundation for all our development interventions. We have trained the staff on specialized jobs for Field Work, Public Relations and Documentation. The construction plan of a Development Centre is initiated for speeding up development action and human resource mobilization.
The strategic plan was a prelude to this process. By formulating our vision and mission statement, we are emphatic on Democratic governance at the organization level, dissemination of information at the stakeholders’ level and building networks and partnerships for a concerted development action. We are resolved to help agents of development on the selection of focus group for the just sharing of resources and expertise.
Effects of the Project Activities
Organizational set up of Seva Kendra received a boost with the appointment of a full time Director, fresh recruitment of trained and qualified staff, office set up and initiation of study of the systems and structures for a Democratic and human working conditions.
Staff training on relevant topics, planning, monitoring and evaluation through a well ordered system and the accompaniment of Caritas India through national and regional staff was conspicuous in the last one year.
The committees have enabled us to draft policies on integration of development action undertaken in the region. These bodies have pumped fresh life into the development activities and offered valuable suggestions for a concerted intervention.
Thrust Areas
- Health Coordinator: 1
- 4 nos. of health camps are organized.
- 23 nos. Village Health Workers are assisting the villages regularly.
- 5 nos. Training for village health workers were conducted for better understanding of the activities.
- Village health survey on Malaria, Mother and Child in 35 villages of 4 Districts of Miao Diocese.
- 50% families are improved their health and hygiene and maintaining cleanliness regularly.
- 20 nos. of Village Health Workers received 5 nos. of training and they are assisting the villager base on their needs. The serious cases are referred for further treat.
Economic Development (Livelihood):
- 30 SHGs formed and actively working on IGP and savings.
- Highlights of SHG achievements
- Cash award of Rs. 3000 from Minister during Republic Day
- Rs. 10,000 as for revolving fund & Subsidy from govt. Rs. 125,000
- 30 beneficiaries are rearing 2 piglets each for their livelihood
Income Generating Activities of Self Help Groups (SHG):
Making Pickles, ginger farming, tea plantation, weaving, rearing of pigs, chicken & goat. SHGs volunteered for general cleaning of the local school surrounding once a month
2. Livelihood Development programme in collaboration with Centre of Micro – Finance & Livelihood
Livelihood Development Program through institution building in 20 villages of Changlang Block, Changlang District of Arunachal Pradesh. Through this project Seva Kendra aims at empowering the community members through the formation of SHGs and livelihood activities. These SHGs are to be supported and guided by the animators through awareness building, facilitating regular meetings and getting their groups registered with the government.
On 3rd October 2011 Seva Kendra distributed 60 nos. of piglets to 30 beneficiaries of different villages in Miao and Kharsang circle of Changlang District.
This project targets smallholders of farmers from 8 villages in Changlang district viz. Phangnyak, Old Plone, New Lisan, Yanman, Neotan, Sangkhidong, Kaikhepothar, New Khimyung those are interested in pig rearing and production but have limited financial resources. The project promotes sustainable pig production through supplying households with a parent stock of two piglets of improved/ crossbred verities for each beneficiary. After due course of time the beneficiaries has to return minimum of 2 piglets to another household of 2nd line beneficiaries which has been selected in the beginning as the follower of the 1st beneficiary. Then the 2nd line beneficiary will get the total
The main objective of this activity is to Increase the subsidiary income of poor rural households, to bring the development in the villages and improved their livelihood standard.
Project activities carried out:
- Village level awareness program
- Capacity building program for SHG members
- Capacity building program for the Presidents and Secretaries
- Training on local resource Mobilization
- Micro – credit
- Food Processing trainings
- Awareness and training program on federation management for leaders
- Staff capacity development training and exposure for staff
Empowerment program for the grassroots community is underway at New Yanman & Balinong area and surrounding villages. Group formation, saving schemes, record maintenance, training program on IGP and exposure visits are taken up to help the community. Right based approach is the foundation for all our development interventions. The collaboration of various departments of the local government is stressed in the fulfillment of basic needs.
3. Health Animation and Literacy Programme in Collaboration with Italian Conference
This project aims at improvement of health and education in the rural area, to make the most vulnerable group of the community members to be economically, socially and culturally empowered and to form people to be responsible citizens so that they become the agents of social change for a better tomorrow.
Specific Objectives of the project:
- All round development of tribal people
- Empowerment of women and weaker sections in society
- Promotion of child health
- Promotion of youth and literacy
- Establish self-help group
- Organize people into self supporting groups with safe moral principles
Progrmmes and Activities proposed:
- Training of young girls (Non formal education)
- Training on self-help groups
- Value education
- Training on Health and Hygiene, common ailments, common remedies
- Programme on adult literacy, training on HIV, AIDS & Human Rights Education
- Training on Green politics, social awareness for men and women
- Development of infrastructure with dispensaries for primary Health care and community halls for gatherings.
4. Help to Differently-Abled Children In collaboration with Liliane Foundation
Seva Kendra in collaboration with LF continues to discover some of the hidden children and interacted with parents and family members to help such children. The method of our rehabilitation is inclusive method where the child is not segregated from the community rather the closest members of the family give quality time and attention to the special child.
Major Complaints of the Differently Abled Children:
Polio, Mental retardation, Hearing impairment, Visual impairment, deformity due to accidents loco – motor, Down syndrome, autism and cerebral palsy.
Rehabilitation measures consist of Medical Treatment, Income Generation Activities, Tuition Fees, School Admission, Uniforms, Stationary Help and Physiotherapy & Counseling
- Children are helped to continue their studies
- Poor families are economically helped through IGA
- Through Medical Assistance the health condition of children are improved
- We help children to complete their graduation